Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Grilled Salmon

10-16 ozs of salmon, i usually cut it into 3 or 4 pieces
1/4 cup oil (olive or canola)
2 T soy sauce
2 T balsamic vinegar
2 T thinly sliced green onion
1 1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 clove garlic, minced
3/4 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/8 tsp salt
Combine and marinate the salmon in the mixture for 4-6 hours. Oil your grill rack place salmon on grill for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, or until fish just flakes when tested with a fork. Turn halfway through cooking.
This is one of our favorite recipes. We love seafood, and salmon is one of our favorites. This marinade gives it such a yummy taste, and a little bit of a kick!


Jessica said...

Vanessa, I am always looking for a good Salmon recipe. This one was very yummy. Thanks, I hope you don't mind me looking at this recipe blog. I have used a lot of them, and they are all really good.:-)

Vanessa said...

hey jess! i'm glad you liked the salmon!